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Mon-Fri 9:00am - 5:30pm
Sat: 10am - 2pm
Sun: Closed

Cosmetic Acupuncture/Facial Rejuvenation
Ottawa Services
Harmony Acupuncture Kanata

 Click photo of our client to enlarge:
Actual client receiving cosmetic facial rejuvenation acupuncture at Harmony Acupuncture Kanata, OttawaIn traditional Chinese medicine, health of the skin (containing blood and lymphatic vessels, nerves, oil, and sweat glands) largely depends on the health of the whole body and proper functioning of the internal organs. Acupuncture initiates the body’s ability to heal itself by addressing the underlying causes of aging. Like every regular acupuncture session, facial
rejuvenation treatment requires an initial assessment in order for the practitioner to formulate an individual plan of treatment.

Benefits of Facial Rejuvenation

Rejuvenation of the skin is associated with increased Qi and blood circulation in the facial tissue which oxygenates and therefore speeds its detoxification, and stimulates collagen and elastin production. This safe acupuncture face-lift can be used to: eliminate fine lines on the face and substantially minimize frown lines; reduce sagging of the skin (double-chin, puffy eyes, drooping eyelids) by strengthening the facial muscles; improve facial complexion; improve vision and brighten the eyes.

The Course of Treatment of Cosmetic
Acupuncture at our Ottawa Clinic

Cosmetic facial rejuvenation acupuncture consists of 2 steps:

  1. Body acupuncture using regular, super thin flexible acupuncture needles
  2. Facial acupuncture using three kinds of fine-gauge needles which are inserted superficially into the skin (i.e. just at the surface)

The course of treatment for cosmetic acupuncture usually consists of 10 - 12 sessions. For maximum effectiveness, the first six sessions should be performed at least twice a week; the remaining sessions should be spaced apart no longer than 5 - 7 days. For the best results, maintenance is advisable once a month thereafter or every 2 months at the most. Facial rejuvenation acupuncture is not a replacement for plastic surgery and individual results vary depending on a person’s state of health, age, and lifestyle. Nevertheless, the effectiveness of this safe alternative is unquestionable.

In some cases, facial rejuvenation acupuncture is contraindicated; these cases include:

  • Pregnancy
  • Pacemakers
  • Abnormal coagulation
  • High blood pressure (should be normalized with regular acupuncture/herbal treatments before starting facial rejuvenation therapy)
  • Migraine headaches
  • Former plastic surgery