To book an appointment or inquire how Acupuncture & Chinese Herbal
Medicine can help you, call:
or send an e-mail to
Clinic Hours
Mon-Fri 9:00am - 5:30pm
Sat: 10am - 2pm
Sun: Closed
health, vitality and well-being starts with a good diet. The popular
saying “you are what you eat” would be more accurately stated as “you
are what you eat and what your body can absorb”. Energy levels,
development, movement, repair of tissues, well-functioning sensory
organs, clear thinking and memory all depend not only on food quality
but also on the strength of the body’s ability to digest and absorb
food. Despite what the media may have us believe, there is no
one-size-fits-all diet conducive to good health. More importantly,
chronic and more serious digestive problems often cannot be corrected
with diet alone. Individualized treatment including diet, acupuncture,
herbal remedies and other techniques tailored to individual needs can be
an invaluable way to reach optimum health.
The 2013 award-winning
The Fifth Estate
investigated the natural health industry. They discovered how few people
are aware that the often-expensive supplements sold by health food
stores can be harmful, contaminated, and ineffective. Studies led by
Guelph University in 2013, show that 60% of products that were tested
had ingredients that were not listed on the label and 1 in 3 were fake.
Still, in Canada, all supplements labeled as “health food products” are
considered food and are thus passively approved by Health Canada;
furthermore, license-holders are able to get approval for new products
in as little as 10 days.
According to Health Canada, it is estimated that 60% of people in Canada
suffer from some kind of digestive problem including: indigestion,
constipation, diarrhea, liver disease, parasites and IBS (Irritable
Bowel Syndrome). Yet, conventional medicine offers little help in the
way of digestive conditions. There are a few medications on the market
used to relieve symptoms of common digestive problems, although they are
by no means a cure. Moreover, some of these can be harmful such as
antacids commonly prescribed for heartburn. Typically, unless a more
serious diagnosis is made, patients are otherwise sent home with a
diagnosis of a mild digestive disorder such as IBS or indigestion and
receive little more from their general practitioners than advice to eat
For a TCM practitioner, all the symptoms of an improperly-functioning
digestive tract, including bloating, gas, heartburn, and other ailments,
are taken very seriously and as always, the treatment is based on
differential diagnosis. Only this way, the root of the problem is
addressed and treated accordingly. For thousands of years, acupuncture
and herbal formulas have proven to be very effective for digestive
diseases. These ancient methods are created to correct the problem and
bring back harmony to the digestive system.